Spirits Canada, an association that represents the distillers behind 70 per cent of spirits sold in Ontario, is lobbying in Ontario after it launched a lawsuit against the province's liquor control board for what it calls “contradictory pricing policies.” A nuclear energy industry association is continuing to push for government support for new projects in New Brunswick after the departure of one of the province's biggest nuclear champions from cabinet. And an organization dedicated to economic development for Gwa-sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nations wants the federal fisheries department to change its mind about a ban on open net-pen salmon farming on the west coast. 

Those are just some of the insights from the IJF’s roundup of lobbying registrations at the federal level and in every province across Canada. Each week, the IJF publishes data from our four lobbying databases showing who wants laws changed and who is asking for government money. Think of it as your weekly dose of public policy news before it becomes news.