Ryan Spencer

News Applications Developer

Ryan is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Human-Centred Data Science at the University of Toronto. With a decade of experience as a television writer in Los Angeles and Toronto, he is interested in the convergence of machine learning with storytelling, aiming to harmonize narrative creation with generative AI models. Ryan’s past professional experience includes data development at Environics Analytics and writing for television shows produced by Netflix, the BBC and Starz, among others. Ryan is experienced in developing new data products focused on ensuring ethical outcomes and maintaining public trust on topics as varied as segmenting Canada’s senior population into discrete demographic profiles and analyzing Toronto police strip search data to determine which division has the highest rate of mental health crises. Ryan is also passionate about the role of transparency in journalism and advocates for the critical need for organizations like the Investigative Journalism Foundation. Outside his academic and professional pursuits, Ryan’s interests are cooking, biking, Olympic weightlifting, and the Oxford comma.