Support the Investigative Journalism Foundation
Will you help us raise $100,000 to build Canada’s first public, searchable database tracking politicians’ financial assets?
$9.99/ month
$19.99/ month
$39.99/ month
$59.99/ month
Who are we?
Since we launched in January 2023 the IJF has built eight databases and broken countless stories, from Justin Trudeau appointing more judges who are Liberal party donors to Ontario increasing funding to hospitals run by Ontario Progressive Conservative party donors by 60 per cent. We’re a non-profit organization focused on public-interest journalism. We think the public should be able to hold politicians accountable for decisions they make while they’re in office, and make sure they’re making decisions for the public good not personal enrichment.
How does your contribution help?
In Canada, elected representatives must disclose what income they draw besides their public servant salaries, what assets they own and what liabilities they hold during the course of their tenures. With $100,000 in funding we will orchestrate the collection, digitizing, parsing and analyzing of these province-specific documents into a single accessible, public and most importantly searchable database.
From there, that database will serve as the basis for a multi-part investigative series, with focused local deep-dives into the biggest findings for each region in the country. For example, we will find which representatives are most often speculating in the real estate sector while home prices reach record highs, as well as which provinces’ representatives are holding stocks in companies they’re simultaneously regulating in the oil, telecommunications and agriculture sectors. Users will be given the option of filtering data by MPP name, riding, province, asset type and other parameters.
Want to support another way?
If you’d like to make a charitable donation to support the campaign, you can contact us here. You can also sign up to get email updates on our stories below.