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We know this is a time of deep uncertainty, and as you continue to support Canadian and buy Canadian — we want to make it easier for you to read Canadian too. Your subscription support is critical to help us continue to dig into important stories on tariffs, the upcoming election and more.

For a limited time, we’re giving you a 25% discount in response to Donald Trump’s on again, off again 25% tariffs. Costs are about to go up, but your subscription is now much more affordable. You’ll support award-winning Canadian journalism and get full access to our stories.

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Was: $9.99

Please note: The above sale is only for new annual subscribers. It runs until April 6 because that’s how long the first stage of Canada’s retaliation to the U.S. tariffs is currently scheduled to last. All our usual terms and conditions apply. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected].